NCS Kevin, AH6QO via IP connection. Nancy, WH7XO was connected by IP, also.
Discussed weather and message handling.
Weather sites - check on the 5-day forecast for Situational Awareness:
- Eastern Pacific 5-Day Graphical Tropical Weather Outlook
Remember to hover over the image of the disturbance to view pop up window. Weather that affects Hawaii in the Central Pacific frequently comes from the Eastern Pacific. - Central Pacific page will have more info when the hurricane season for the Central Pacific begins on June 1. The page is located at
Message Handling:
- Discussed NWS's Skywarn criteria and how to report. Used a "Fair Weather" report to give us practice in giving a verbal message. During Skywarn activations, only Severe Weather Reports will be sent. Remember: All messages, whether they are a verbal message (e.g., a "windshield" report of flooding) or written (e.g., a third-party message from an agency's field representative to HQ) are written, even if it is only written into the log of the receiving station.